Real Education of Bill Gates


Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. He has remained the richest person in the world for more than a few decades. Currently, he is actively working at ‎the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Real Education of Bill Gates

Although the majority of the publications and biographies talk about his school education where he dropped out of college to focus on building Microsoft. Though our focus is to share his “Real Education”.

  • Avid Reader: Bill Gates is an avid reader. He frequently share about Books that he is reading on his website Also, we need to note here that he just not read books but deeply studies them. In the documentary Inside Bill Gates Mind, it’s mentioned that he reads at a very fast pace i.e. around 150 pages per hour. Also, he remembers most of the content that he has read.
  • Spending time with Smart People: Bill Gates has a close friend named Warren Buffett. They have long discussions to brainstorm on various aspects. As Bill Gates mentioned that when he was planning to meet Buffett very first time, he thought it would be a short meeting but his meeting ran for hours as the discussion was very enriching.


  • – One of the great resources to learn about Bill Gates is to refer his personal blog for which Bill Gates write that ” This is my personal blog, where I share about the people I meet, the books I’m reading, and what I’m learning. I hope that you’ll join the conversation

Vikas Jain

Vikas is the founder of He is passionate about developing the Real Education Ecosystem supporting life long learning and bringing much needed fundamental change in School/College Education so that it remains relevant to the future.

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