Loudspeaker Classes for students without Smartphone – Dumka Jharkhand India
Shyam Kishore Singh Gandhi, the headmaster of a school in Jharkhand’s Dumka district, has found a creative way of teaching school students amid COVID lockdown. As the majority of the students were not having smartphones and internet connection, so he along with his teachers are delivering classes on Loudspeaker so that students can listen to the lessons from distance. This way students do not miss their lessons.

He said the classes start at 10 am daily.“If the students have any doubt or want to ask any question, they can send their queries to me from anyone’s mobile phone and we explain it the next day,” he added. Gandhi said the model is working and students are grasping well what is being taught. The students are receptive and are enjoying the new style of studying, said an elderly villager. (source)
Amid COVID, this method could be used worldwide where the majority of the students are not having smartphones and internet connection.