Collapsing any nation does not require use of atomic bombs, just allow cheating in Examination

One day a University professor wrote an expressive message to his students at the doctorate, masters and bachelors level and placed it at the entrance in a university in South Africa. Here is the massage –

Collapsing any nation does not require use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students.”

The patient dies in the hands of such doctors

And the building collapse in the hands of such engineers.

And the money is lost in the hands of such accountants.

And humanity dies in the hands of such religious scholars.

And justice is lost in the hands of such judges….

The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation…

There are some web references which conveys that this statement was made by Nelson Mandela.

Who so ever made this statement, though the message is very loud and clear.

Vikas Jain

Vikas is the founder of He is passionate about developing the Real Education Ecosystem supporting life long learning and bringing much needed fundamental change in School/College Education so that it remains relevant to the future.

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