Indra Nooyi Chairman Pepsico Last Post “Parting Words” about Life Long Learning

Indra Nooyi, recently wrote an article on her LinkedIn profile “Parting Words as I Step Down as CEO“. In this article she shared six lessons that she learned during her tenure at Pepsico and like to share with the world. Her 5th lesson is

“Fifth, be lifelong students. Our world is changing rapidly all around us, and if you want to continue to thrive in the years ahead, you’ll need to continually educate yourself. Visit our Lifelong Learning Library in Purchase, take a course at PepsiCo University, listen to podcasts or search Google—however you do it, make your ongoing education a priority”

Just see the importance of life long learning in the life of leaders.

Image source: LinkedIn

Vikas Jain

Vikas is the founder of He is passionate about developing the Real Education Ecosystem supporting life long learning and bringing much needed fundamental change in School/College Education so that it remains relevant to the future.

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